Fortnite is not only a shooter, but a full-fledged survival game, where the most cunning and skillful gamer wins among 100 players. Shooting, the ability to take a position, construction, the correct accumulation and use of resources and the selection of equipment are important. In order to get into the top 10 best players more or less consistently, you need to be able to survive, especially at the starting stages, when enemies are literally everywhere.
In this guide, we will analyze the main survival strategies that will help you reach the final stages of the match, so that you can more actively and quickly develop the rank on your Fortnite account. However, you can always figure out tactics and strategies without losing your rank, which you will then have to restore. To do this, you can buy a Fortnite account for sale from other players on, play on it, practice, and then return to your main account to realize your skills.
The right choice of landing site
In order to have a high chance of success in the entire match, you need to choose the right landing spot. The main task is to land safely, collect a lot of resources, ammo and weapons, wait until the first waves of players die and the first circle of the game map is formed and only then move forward.
You should not land in large cities, but the edges of the map will not give you much chance of success for your boost for legit Fortnite account.
The best landing spots in the ranking:
- Locations where there are only two or three houses. There will be chests and minimal competition.
- Places with transport – even if you do not find loot, or engage in battle with the enemy, you can still quickly leave the territory.
- Try to immediately determine the points of retreat in case of a battle, so that you can simply retreat, restore health if necessary and continue your match.
- Watch out for enemy parachutes so as not to fly into the zone of the future battle.
Choosing a safe landing spot is already half your success and a reserve for a good match. Just be careful, and you can provide yourself with a good rank boost for your cheap Fortnite account.
Optimal collection of loot and resources
Always look for a weapon that will allow you to fight at medium and long range. Forget about pistols, they are ineffective and are suitable only as the very first weapon. It is better to prioritize assault rifles due to their versatility.
- Stock up on healing and shields to restore your health and increase the threshold of incoming damage to improve your survivability.
- Collect wood, stone and metal to ensure that you can build shelters.
- Grenades, traps and trampolines will help you change the outcome of the battle and quickly retreat, or knock opponents out of fortifications.
What items should always be carried with you:
- Assault rifle – as a primary weapon.
- Shotgun or sniper rifle – for close or long-range combat, depending on your playstyle.
- Grenades – knock the enemy out of cover, or give you space to retreat.
- First aid kits and mini-shields – will help you survive at any stage of the match, especially in the final.
- Mobility – focus on transport to quickly get to a safe zone, or to escape shelling or a storm.
Don’t carry a large number of different weapons – you simply won’t need them. It’s better to stock up on ammo, first aid kits, and resources for construction.
How to properly move around the map and avoid dangerous situations
- Move from cover to cover so as not to get into the view of one or more enemies at the same time, which will reduce your chances of survival, and you will not only not get a boost rank, but you will also weaken the position of your Fortnite account.
- It’s better to build covers right away, and then accept the fight, if the situation allows it.
- Don’t shoot without a high chance of a kill – don’t shoot for the sake of shooting, because there is always a chance that you will be killed, or other enemies will come running to the noise.
- Always use the terrain to avoid open spaces and be a less visible target.
- Take the high ground if you are going to hold the line. This will help you see further.
- Don’t stand in one place, if you are discovered, they will knock you out with grenades, or build up so that you will be blocked.
How to fight and survive in firefights
- Don’t engage in a shootout if there are still a lot of enemies on the map – make sure it’s to your advantage. An early death is a guaranteed weakening of the legit Fortnite account.
- Build covers and shoot from behind them to minimize damage.
- Use grenades to destroy enemy buildings.
- Keep an eye on your ammo supply to change weapons in time, or go into cover to reload.
- Use transport to quickly exit dangerous areas.
How to win shootouts
- Attack from ambushes, bushes, or elevated areas so that the enemy doesn’t expect an attack.
- Shoot from cover and get away from return fire.
- Keep an escape route in mind if things don’t go according to plan.
- Final zone – how to survive and win
It is worth mentioning right away that if you have reached the top 10 players, then you will already receive your rank for cheap Fortnite account for sale, but top 1 will of course be better.
- Stock up on resources, there is no point in saving, in the final there is a battle on a small map, where there will be victory or death.
- It is better to take the heights to see the enemy in time.
- Do not shoot until the last, except for the situation when you are left 1 vs 1.
- Do not forget about shelters and grenades, they can decide the outcome of the match.
- Try to be in the zone so much that you do not have to watch it during the battle.
To consistently get into the top 10 best players and strive for the first place, which guarantees you an increase in rank for your Fortnite account, you need to adhere to simple principles and constantly train.
- Choose a safe and correct landing site, where you can stock up on weapons and ammunition, grenades and medicines and prepare for the next match.
- Balance your gear, don’t carry too much.
- Move from cover to cover to avoid risking your character.
- Engage in combat only in favorable situations.
- In the final zone, use maximum resources and don’t forget about the zone to avoid losing health due to an incorrect position.
You can follow these tips, or just buy cheap Fortnite account to train against the best players. Additionally, it is worth considering playing with a coach who will create a training plan for you to develop your skills and ensure your progress. This can be done using the Skycoach service, or buy unique skins to make your gameplay more enjoyable.
Answers to popular questions
Which playstyle is better – aggressive or cautious?
Situational, constant aggression will bring many deaths, and passive will force you to go into the zone where opponents have already entrenched themselves.
What is more important – accuracy or construction?
Both skills are important because this is cover for effectively destroying enemies.
What are the most common mistakes newbies make?
They don’t use cover, don’t stock up on resources, rush into battle when there are still many enemies around and anyone can attack you.
How to learn to build faster?
Train in creative modes and enable fast construction in the game settings.
How to win in the final zone?
Monitor the position and look for the enemy to plan your attack.
How can the coaching service help?
The coach will monitor your match and tell you in real time what to do so that you at least get to the top 10. Next, there will be a training program to improve shooting, construction and tactics. Choose services on, or buy a boost, or beautiful skins.

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